Empower Change Today

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Impact Stories

Explore how petitions create real change in communities worldwide.

wooden toy floating on body of water
wooden toy floating on body of water
Join the Movement

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person holding The Climate is Changing signage
person holding The Climate is Changing signage
a group of people walking around a train station
a group of people walking around a train station
a group of people waiting at a bus stop
a group of people waiting at a bus stop
Success Stories

Read about victories achieved through collective action and petitions.

Empowering Change

Join millions advocating for impactful change in their communities.

black and white wall mounted paper
black and white wall mounted paper
a group of people standing around each other
a group of people standing around each other
One World signage
One World signage
people gathered outside buildings holding Climate Justice Now signage
people gathered outside buildings holding Climate Justice Now signage